Picture taken from the Musée Dauphinois, on the road that leads to the Bastille (which must be the highest point in Grenoble).
On the background, you can see the Tour Perret (Perret Tower), 80 meter high and built in 1925 by the Perret brothers on the occasion of the International Exhibition of Hydroelectric Power.
I agree that the lamp post adds a different dimension to the photo. Lovely!
Anonyme a dit…
I like you photograph very much. I like the background mountains with a bit of snow left on them. I wish it was less hazy so I could see more, but maybe another time.
Your work is very interesting to somebody who never sees anything higher in the sky than birds.
alice> oulà non, tu ne te trompes pas ! Déjà aujourd'hui, le beau temps est enfin revenu et c'est étouffant... et on n'est que mi-mai !
Alice said in her post that as the city seems to be surrounded by mountains it must get really hot during summertime and I just answered that it was already the case mid-may! Hot hot hot!
Your work is very interesting to somebody who never sees anything higher in the sky than birds.
Alice said in her post that as the city seems to be surrounded by mountains it must get really hot during summertime and I just answered that it was already the case mid-may! Hot hot hot!
Greetings from
Oslo, Norway