End of day.


Paul a dit…
Very cool - love the sky and river... and mountains... and... ah hell, it's all just beautiful.
Oh wow! What a spectacular photo!
Olivier a dit…
peut pas dire mieux que mister ming the merciless, bravo et bon weekend
ro_pumpkin a dit…
wow wow wow !!! really cool !
Bob Crowe a dit…
Gorgeous. Simply gorgeous. Is this natural light, Photoshop magic or a little of both? From where was the photo taken?

The STL CDPB theme day post has a quiz and a contest. Do stop by and enter. It should be uploaded by 04.00 GMT tonight.
Coltrane_lives a dit…
Suz. a dit…
Very beautiful. Wow!
Anonyme a dit…
GMG a dit…
WOW! WOW! I've earned my day...
Dis-moi, nature où aussi photoshop?
Bon weekend!
Gaëlle a dit…
No photoshop here, everything's real. Except that I have taken different photos and mixed them in order to have almost the right exposure everywhere!