Welcome to the Working Week.


Sally a dit…
Thankyou! Fortunately I have this week off work :-)

Congratulations on your newspaper fame!
Bob Crowe a dit…
Wonderful graphic design. Tomorrow morning, I shall go to mon bureau as well.
Olivier a dit…
superbe photo graphique (je me demandais si tu n'avais pas rajouté le texte ?) et très belle composition.
Anonyme a dit…
surprenant ! très beau graphisme.
Gaëlle a dit…
olivier> et non!
PeterParis a dit…
Tu as un don fantastique pour le graphisme, la composition...!
So you ara cebrity blogger now, newspsper faim to claim. Your photos are quite brilliant though.

That chaffinch on my hand, eventually he was ok.
Halcyon a dit…
I know it don't thrill you... I hope it don't kill you.