Spring in February

Nothing special to say about this picture except that I took it during the afternoon, under a bright, shining sun. It looks like spring's already here! But mind you, weather is very changeable in Grenoble and it may snow tomorrow (although I seriously doubt it)!


Deb a dit…
I am thrilled that you've joined the DP community-your photos are works of art.
This is beautiful!
Gaëlle a dit…
When I see your pictures that I find wonderful, I take your comment as a huge compliment! Thank you very much.
Z a dit…
After Chris and Deb's comment, I can't think of anything to add. I agree wholeheartedly!
Dsole a dit…
Wow, the light here is amazing! I can feel the wind in my face! :)
Jilly a dit…
Beautiful photograph. I love the delicacy yet the vibrancy.

Thankyou for passing Menton DP. Your name is just right, with the Lemon (and orange!) Festival going on!

Jilly x
alice a dit…
Quelle belle lumière tu as su capter! mais de quelle plante s'agit-il? Une sorte de bruyère?
Gaëlle a dit…
alice > ce sont des graminées. Il me semble que ça s'appelle des fétuques mais je n'en suis pas certaine.
sympathique tout ça, on sent bien l'etude du cliché...
Victoria a dit…
Such a beautiful photo!