Pont de la Citadelle

The Citadel Bridge (built in 1864) over the river Isère.
I am lucky enough to live in this particularly pleasant part of the city!


Anonyme a dit…
Love the contrasts of this photo. Beautiful shot, perfect in black/white.
freelancer a dit…
Nice B&W shot
Gaëlle a dit…
Thank you! This shot was taken directly in black & white with my old nikkormat film camera. I did the print myself too, so I'm quite proud of this one!
Jilly a dit…
What a beautiful photo. Love the relections on the water and the light from the lamps.

I have friends who live in Grenoble - will send them the URL of your DP blog - know they'll just love it.

Thankyou so much for stopping by Menton DP.

alice a dit…
Beau début! Merci de ta visite chez moi et à bientôt.
Mandy a dit…
Beautifully executed shot.