Rainy sunday afternoon

XVII century mansion in the city centre (place Lavalette), opposite our beautiful art museum.
The ground floor of this mansion has now became a restaurant called Caffè Forté.


Eric a dit…
Superb photos so far. Welcome to the DP World Gaëlle. We're happy to have you on board ;)
Anonyme a dit…
Nice to see again a new place and so interesting place as Grenoble.
I wish al the best for you and your blog!
Dsole a dit…
Hi there!
This is a beautiful photo, I like the B/W effect, it gives an old atmosphere... and the first pic is amazing!
So welcome to the DP family!
Gaëlle a dit…
Thank you all for your warm welcome messages. Your support is really appreciated by the shy newcomer that I am!
Z a dit…
Hi there, neighbor (sort of!). I know Grenoble only for facilities such as the ILL and the ESRF and it's nice to get this different perspective. I'll come by your blog regularly.

Villigen, CH
Nathalie H.D. a dit…
Un cadrage rare et tres bien vu!