
Another view from the cable-car (click here to check the first one I posted a few days ago).
I took it from the road that leads to the Musée Dauphinois (a museum about the history of our region which is called le Dauphiné).


Deb a dit…
How did I miss that first photo of the cable cars? They're both really cool shots, but I think my favorite is that first one!
The shapes are so interesting.
★Li a dit…
Whoah, those are cool. I wonder what it's like to ride one of those?
edwin s a dit…
Cool! I have a fear of heights but I love being in cable cars.
Jilly a dit…
Magical photograph. Love it and your previous one.
Alex a dit…
C’est ma première visite sur Grenoble daily photo et je le découvre avec beaucoup de plaisir. Cette photo des oeufs suspendus à un câble avec le reflet radieux du soleil dans le fond est très chouette.
freelancer a dit…
Superbe photo

Des oeufs dans le ciel ...c'est bientôt Paques ... :)Ha non c'est les cloches ... mince :)
Gaëlle a dit…
freelancer> et en plus à Paques ils leur rajoutent des noeuds ! Dès que c'est fait, je prends des photos !!!!