Books 4.

I'm sorry not to have provided more informations about this exhibition but I've been really busy the past few days.
So here are some things you may like to know about it.

First of all the exhibition is entitled "Délivrez-vous".
Among the artists who have participated, I can name those ones: Christabel Levasseur, Fred Delettrez, Daniel Descaves, Catherine Harder, Solène Mercier, Martine Richard... but I'm sure I'm forgetting some of them. They are all from Grenoble and its region.

For those who are living around here, unfortunately the exhibition is now closed (since April 9th).
Some of the works of art that were displayed are going to be destroyed and some other ones will be integrated as decorative elements in schools, libraries...

And to answer a question that one of you asked, the red moving circulat thing in my previous posts is a bike wheel.


alice a dit…
Thanks for all these precisions!
Anonyme a dit…
I like the photograph of the wall hanging.

Abraham Lincoln
Anonyme a dit…
La créatrice de cette oeuvre doit être fan d'Annette Messager... because son accrochage avec ficelles non.. ?
Belle séries de photos.
J'aime bien "book 1" à la roue de vélo en mouvement.