After the rain.

Well it's not already theme day, however, this is a view from my living room window. No more rain today (at least!) sun is shining again over Grenoble. As you can see, there is a little snow left on the mountains but I think this time we're really on our way to summer.


Steve Buser a dit…
I definitely have feeling of server envy for the beauty of your surroundings.
freelancer a dit…
Salut !
Quelle transmission de pensée aujourd'hui ... un thème presque similaire.
Jolie Photo.
Bonne fin de WE...sous la pluie ? :)
Peter a dit…
How lucky you are, wakening up with such a view! I can only see some windows on the other side of the street.
Nathalie H.D. a dit…
Aha, j'en déduis que tu auras encore mieux à nous montrer le jour du Thème !
Je reconnais au fond l'horrible tour dont tu nous avais offert une si belle photo sur fond de sommets enneigés au tout début de ton blog !
Belle vue !