Headless pigeon!

Headless pigeon spoted just by the river Isère!
Hope you had a great weekend.


Kala a dit…
Im not sure if its jus me but the phos for this posting on Headless Pigeon is not showing - the pics for the other postings are displayed so maybe its jus a temporary thing? hmm
Dsole a dit…
hahahaha that's great!
I do see the photo... ;)
Anonyme a dit…
Your "headless pigeon" must be a gift from the gods presented in front of your camera lens for you to photograph and to share with the rest of the world. Nice shot and great imagination.

It made me smile. Thanks.
alice a dit…
Mais tu nous fais perdre la tête aujourd'hui!
Anonyme a dit…
A quand le pigeon complet ou le pigeon sans patte ?
C'est très marrant cette photo.
yournotalone a dit…
HE he. Headless - why not. Great capture!
Nathalie H.D. a dit…
Dommage qu'Olivier l'ait raté, il HAIT LES PIGEONS.
Il aurait été ravi !!!!