
The Chartreuse is a liquor made in my region.
Located in the Chartreuse mountains, the Monastery of "La Grande Chartreuse" is the Mother House of the Chartreux Order. This is where the production of Green Chartreuse began in 1764.
Green Chartreuse is the only liqueur in the world with a completely natural green colour. There is a also a yellow, softer, version.


Kala a dit…
This sounds delicious just based upon the description - I will have to see if we have it here! Interesting info =)
Kala a dit…
That is interesting - the website talks about the Liquors made by the Chartreuse Monks - with a grand view of Mont Blanc or what ever mountain that is! Its interesting that there is even a color name "Chartreuse" because of its resemblance to the color of this liquor and even a crayon has a name for this color!
Peter a dit…
... and how to make this world famous liquor with it's natural colours, is a well preserved secret! (I guess they haven't told you?)
Anonyme a dit…
In the new movie of Quentin Tarantino " Boulevard de la mort" he is a performer of barman speaking in praise of Chartreuse... what are waiting now for advertising for Saint Marcellin cheese!
lv2scpbk a dit…
When I first seen this photo I thought of the song "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall".
Gaëlle a dit…
lv2scpbk> what's this song, I don't know it?
Steve Buser a dit…
Très intéressant.

99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall

98 bottles of beer on the wall...
Olivier a dit…
tu ne connais pas cette celebre chanson "99 bouteilles de bieres..". c'est une vieille chanson folk americaine. perso je prefere la chartreuse à la biere. et puis elle est si belle avec ce vert mysterieux.beaux portraits de cette superbe boisson
alice a dit…
Ah, Steve et Olivier se rejoignent sans le savoir! La Chartreuse -quelle belle couleur! Pour un peu, on en boirait;-) , est faite à Voiron n'est ce pas? C'est rigolo le nombre de vieux alcools qui sont fabriqués par des religieux...
Deb a dit…
very beautiful photo! The overall colors are so soothing.
Anonyme a dit…
Bonjour Bleeding Orange. I came upon your site from Eric's PDP and Wow! Truly you've a talent for photography. Personally, I can't even aim straight and I am in awe of the colors and balance you present. I don't know much about Chartreuse (here in the midwestern USA it's mostly beer), so I'll read the other posts but wish a votre sante. Anyway, I just wanted to chime in and say cool site. BTW Any jazz clubs in Grenoble? Love the music shots you've gotten! Have you ever seen "Round Midnight"? One of my favorite movies. I think it's by a French director...B.Tauvenier??? Loved the cinematography. Ciao!
Anonyme a dit…
Regarding previous post about the director's name...Bertrand Tavernier. :-)
JaamZIN a dit…
it sounds really tasty...can I have a try?:)
Gaëlle a dit…
Kala> Did you find some?

Alice> yes, it comes from Voiron.

Coltrane_lives> thanx for your kind comment. I haven't seen Bertrand Tavernier's movie.
Concerning the jazz clubs, yes we've got one called "La Soupe aux choux" and it's just a 5-minute walk from my flat. I used to play the piano in a small jazz band a few years ago and we played there a couple of time. But I'm not really into jazz so I must admit that I don't go there very often!
Anonyme a dit…
Hola Orange,
My French isn't so good (only 2 years in a Texas university I'm afraid), but correct me if I'm wrong, a jazz club called "Cabbage Soup"? I love it! In Denton, TX we had a jazz club (blues etc) called "The library." A bit humorous when you think about where a lot of us students went to study. Anyway, merci pour la poste! I'll keep checking your site. Besides Eric's and OldmanLincoln's, it's one of my favorite. Yes, I'm a Francophile!
Z a dit…
Funny, I knew the color, but didn't know about the liquor.

But, I'm confused. Isn't Absinthe (born in CH, but popularized in F) also naturally green? Or, at least, it can be naturally green.
Gaëlle a dit…
Z> I don't know. But Absinth is forbbiden in France.