La Parisienne.

Here is a bunch of pictures taken on a great shop called La Parisienne where I found a lovely orange hat for this summer (which does not appear on these pictures).
They sell different kinds of hats. Some of them are manufactured by the 2 women you can meet in the shop and some others are imported, apparently mainly from Italy.

If you want to have a good laugh and see what I look like with my beautiful new hat, check my Orange qui saigne blog. You're even allowed to leave comments!


Peter a dit…
A wondeful patchwork!! ... and of course you play with orange!
(By the way, which software do you use? I have diffuclties to size the photos as I wish with Picasa, so I use PowerPoint.)

I of course looked on your magazine picture also. I did not laugh, just appreciated it for you and for the work you have done with the picture!! (Again, which software? Sorry, I'm learning.)
Gaëlle a dit…
peter> I'm always working with Photoshop. This soft is my best friend! But unfortunatly I don't now Picasa so I won't be able to help you with this software, sorry!
I'm glad you liked the other photograph... that's the kind of things that happen when I'm a bit bored at night ;-)
Pat a dit…
Absolutely a lovely array of hats and essential extras. Great colour is orange. Wish I could wear it. I imagine your hat will be lovely on you.

My PAD and
Guelph Daily Photo
Anonyme a dit…
Tendance été 2007 :ORANGE, ça ne s'invente pas !! Bleeding Orange ne pouvait donc pas râter cette opportunité d'inspiration..
joli patch acidulé sur temps gris ambiant ça réveille les sens...
et, autoportait MODE sur site perso c'est pas mal non plus...excellent
Peter a dit…
Orange est aussi la couleur de "Modem". Je ne demande pas pour qui tu vas voter.

Merci pour tes conseils. Je vais voir pour Photoshop!
Olivier a dit…
un festival de couleur rouge (voila une photo qui aurait pu etre pour le prochain theme du mois des DP). beau montage.
Kala a dit…
That is funnny!!! I like the Bleeding Orange Magazine cover - very original! The hat and color looks nice as well! i love orange!
Bergson a dit…
A superb report

the dominant color is extra
Anonyme a dit…
Nice work. I like your hat on the other page too.

Abraham Lincoln
Remember "The World's Ugliest Cat?" He got a haircut!
Brookville Daily Photo
Z a dit…
That's a lot of orange :-) I like the B+W+O shot on your other site. Is orange THE color this season?
Gaëlle a dit…
z> apparently it is one of the colours this season yes. But I must say that I don't really know what's in and what's out. I just chose what I like, and I LOVE orange!
Anonyme a dit…
en quelques clics, de supers photos, en peu de temps, un super montage, super j'adore la photo de vous avec la capeline orange...
s'il fallait faire un jour un site du magasin j'espère qu'on penserait à quelqu'un comme vous...en tout cas, si je montais un jour quelque chose, moi je penserai à vous...
"La parisienne"...enfin presque...