
Another post inspired by an Apollinaire's poem (Les Fenêtres, in Les Caligrammes again).
It says :
"La fenêtre s'ouvre comme une orange
Le beau fruit de la lumière"

Which can be translated (more or less) as :

The window opens like an orange
Elegant effect of the light.

Photo taken Place Grenette, again !


lv2scpbk a dit…
Oh, love the colors.
Sally a dit…
exceptionally beautiful.
Olivier a dit…
poesie (tu aimes bien mister Apollinaire et tu as bien raison), photo, lumiere superbe, tout y est. en un mot : Sublime
Coltrane_lives a dit…
Photo is great as usual! However, I particularly love the poetry. I must read more of Appolinaire. It reminds me of one of my favorite French poets-- Mallarme. Have you read any of his works? He was a generation before Appolinaire, but made a huge impact on the arts scene. "Pour votre chere morte, son ami" is one of my favorites of his. Keep the poetry coming. Ciao!
Peter a dit…
The combination of the beautiful photo, the text and - of course - "orange" is certainly one of your master pieces!

Nathalie H.D. a dit…
Tu as beaucoup de talent, cette composition est super réussie.
Deb a dit…
gorgeous photo....those lights are wonderful!