
On the road to Autrans, in the Vercors...

Sur la route d'Autrans, dans le Vercors...


Livio Bonino a dit…
Cet enfant a l'expression de celle qui s'est mangé toutes les bonbons.
Anonyme a dit…
LOL. That is perfect. A cow usually licks "inside" the nose, but this one is licking outside her nose or his nose. I like cows.
Anonyme a dit…
Oh la vache !!!
Annie a dit…
The perfect expression to start my day - bah humbug!
Jilly a dit…
What a great photo! That expression is priceless and that tongue.
Anonyme a dit…
Lovely shot
Paul a dit…
Like oldmanlincoln, I LOVE cows. They really are my favourite animal - just don't tell my cats that!

I often get busy with things and don't visit your blog for a week - when I return I'm always blown away with the past weeks photos. You rock!
Très belle vache...belle expression....belle lumière...bravo
Bergson a dit…
vache ment chouette