Different view...

... from the surprising building I showed you yesterday.


Paul a dit…
Wow - what a spectacular photo!
Bob Crowe a dit…
Stunning, and so much more interesting than yesterday's picture. There are many elements that work together: perspective, the blaring sun (a bold idea - makes me wonder how you exposed this), the jet contrails in the sky and the brightly colored lens flare in the lower left.
Bob Crowe a dit…
Just occurred to me: is this image a High Dynamic Range merge? Seems like the perfect conditions for that. If so, awfully well done.
Gaëlle a dit…
strangetastes>, yes it's an HDR image. The first I've ever done so it's far from being perfect. Plus the photos weren't originally taken in order to do an HDR image.
Anonyme a dit…
J'aime beaucoup cette photo.
photolicious a dit…
Qu'est-ce que cette batiment? Vous prenez les belles photos.

La Republique Etrange
Sylvain a dit…
Même si ce n'est pas encore parfait, il y a un beau rendu.
Bergson a dit…
La lumière semble traverser le batiment
Très beau !!
Kerry-Anne a dit…
I love the way you've captured the sun in this shot.
Belle image....le HDR....soumis récemment par Bergson à ma pauvre culture photo graphique....
Je n'ai jamais essayé...mais j'avoue qu'en voyant cette image cela me donne envie....