Feeling blue?

The weather's not so nice'n'bright these days so I'm only taking sad pictures (and sometimes matching them with sad song lyrics written by a good friend of mine)... hope you don't mind!
Photo taken Quai Perrière, by the Isère.

PS : I also have to apologise to my French readers because I just don't feel like writing in French right now.


Olivier a dit…
aujourd'hui j'ai aussi feeling blue moi aussi. bonne gestion du bougé. bon weekend
Coltrane_lives a dit…
I've always found it somewhat interesting how blinding sunlight makes one sneeze. Achooo! See what I mean! :-) Have a great weekend!
Ben Nakagawa a dit…
Somehow, this is very attractive. You are utilizing lens flare very effectively,. It's like shower.
Anonyme a dit…
Très jolie citation, plus profonde qu'il n'y parait de prime abord. Ton ami a du talent, et toi aussi, qui nous fais un tableau avec trois fois rien et un coup de blues...
Gaëlle a dit…
nathalie> moi je sais pas, mais lui ça ne fait aucun doute !