Larger view (dolphin n°20).

A larger view so that you can see a bit more of the building where I found my last dolphin.
Tomorrow I'm heading towars Belgium for another music festival so hopfully blogger will do the posting job properly again as I'm away.

There are some news on my other photoblog, l'Orange qui saigne if you feel like checking them out... and on my music photography website as well.

I also wanted to thank you all for your regular comments during summertime even if I'm not really here to return them. Thanx!


Anonyme a dit…
L'ancienne Chambre de Commerce a vraiment beaucoup plus d'allure que la nouvelle..... hélas il faut vivre avec son temps...
J'aime beaucoup cette coupole et toutes les sculptures qui la bordent la mettent bien en valeur... mais qui à part l'oeil avisé du photographe peut aussi bien s'y attarder maintenant ?
Beau patrimoine.
Anonyme a dit…
You have almost as many blogs as I have now. I like this photo too. I really like the man with the tattoos.

I now have 7 blogs. Each one is different. The newest ones are Sendai, Japan, Dances on Sunshine and Thunder Maker.