Rocktambule (3): Moriarty.

Back from another excellent gig!


Tash a dit…
Another great one with the pose and the COLORS - WOW! I just saw your dolphin quest series - I love it.
Olivier a dit…
superbe composition, bravo.
Babzy.B a dit…
Jolie photo et merci pour la chanson ,je ne connaissais pas mais c'est vraiment bien !
Anonyme a dit…
You produce wonderful photos of concerts - are you often there in an official capacity, and can I ask what equipement you use?
Gaëlle a dit…
Adam> Thanx! Yes indeed, most of the time I'm there in an official capacity.
When I'm working with my digital camera I usually use a 28-70mm lense, with a constant maximum aperture of f/2.8 at all focal lengths. I also shoot with a good old film camera with luminous fixed lenses (f:1,4).
Anonyme a dit…
Cadrage particulièrement abouti : un vrai travail de pro. On dirait presque une pochette de disque…
Olivier a dit…
en 28-70mm tu dois toujours être tout a coté de la scène ?
PeterParis a dit…
On peut sentir l’hommage à Jack Kerouac dans la musique !

... et la photo, super comme d'hab!
Adam a dit…
Could I ask on more question to a professional then? I like to take photos at concerts, but I have a problem with being intrusive. How do you take your pictures without annoying the artists? Is it a kind of discretion you've learnt, or do you have agreed times with the artists when you can take pictures?
Gaëlle a dit…
adam> well, very often you're allowed to take pictures during the first 3 songs only but otherwise, I think you just know when you can or can't take a picture.
I don't know for other photographers, but as far as I'm concerned I don't shoot that much and I just don't take pictures when I feel it might annoy the musicians.