Rocktambule (4) : Moriarty.

Today you'll be treated to 2 pics for the price of 1 (!) because I'm really late in my posting.

They are both from Moriarty again. And here is another song (maybe my favourite) from this band :

I also wanted to thank Stormel from Oslo Daily Photo for giving me the "Blogging Friends Forever" Award. I'm supposed to pass it on to 5 fellow bloggers of my choice according to the following rules :

1. Only five people are allowed
2. Four have to be dedicated followers of your blog
3. One has to be someone new or recently new to your blog and live in another part of the world
4. You must link back to whoever gave you the award

So here are my choices for this award (random order):
- Evry Daily Photo (Olivier)
- Peter's Paris
- Saint Louis Daily Photo (Strangetastes)
- Seattle Daily Photo (Kim)
- Invisible Paris (Adam).

Have a nice week-end everyone.


Unknown a dit…
I don't know this band at all, but it looks like the girl singer is trying to embarrass her boyfriend/partner.
Anonyme a dit…
Un duo superbe. L'expression de la chanteuse sur la photo du dessus est étonnante. Quant à la photo du bas, la profondeur de champ a été choisie avec pertinence.
Anonyme a dit…
I like your photo today.

Today (October 25th) in my birthday. I am 74 years old.
Adam a dit…
Ah, thanks for the mention!
I love the second photo. I suppose they are quite a theatrical band so they offer some interesting perspectives on stage, but you found a great one there.
I find it funny that they say that they took their name from Kerouac's 'On the Road', but when I see the name I think only of Sherlock Holmes. Different cultures I guess!
Jilly a dit…
I absolutely adore that first photograph.
Olivier a dit…
merci pour cet Award, cela fait plaisir.
La première photo est magnifique, on dirait une photo d'une chanteuse des années 1940 (les chanteuses 'ditent' a texte, qui avait toujours des expressions digne des grands mimes quand elles chantaient) bravo.
les maudites a dit…
Superbes photo, super concert, super groupe !