Ah oui, celle-ci est très impressionnante! Je te souhaite une belle année 2009, faite de rencontres musicales et autres, de concerts, de bonheurs petits et grands, et un peu plus de ciel bleu que sur cette photo! Une grosse bise à Mum pour moi!
Yeah, what Bob said! ;^). I admire all your work very much. Your shots are consistently creative, technically great, and I just love the way you look at things. Meead visited me here in Seattle recently and he asked if he (at age 21) is the youngest of the CDP bloggers. I told him I thought you and he may be among the youngest. I think that perspective is also part of what draws me to your work. You keep it fresh. Wishing you a wonderful 2009! -Kim Seattle Daily Photo
Best wishes for a happy 2009.
Best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year
Happy theme day!
I hope you have a fantastic 2009 with lots more of those!
Sunshine Coast Daily - Australia
Wishing you a wonderful 2009!
Seattle Daily Photo
Happy New Year
Happy New Year!!
Une photo architecturale au cadrage parfait.
Puisses-tu nous admirer encore beaucoup d'autres photos aussi belles que celle-ci.
Happy New Year!