Grenoble Jazz Festival.

I'm just coming back from an excellent concert, once again, from Mina Agossi at l'Heure Bleue. I've got loads of pics (she's a real show-woman and it's a always sheer pleasure to take pictures of her and her musicians) but I'm too tired too sort them out now. So you'll see that on Monday. Until then, have a nice and sunny weekend everyone.


Anonyme a dit…
mince j'ai complètement oublié... le concert de Mina Agossi.
flûte !!! je me contenterai des photos alors !
Coltrane_lives a dit…
Sounds like a place I'd love to be about now. :-) Look forward to seeing more photos. I am sure it was a grand time no doubt.
alice a dit…
L'affiche est top! Bon dimanche au soleil j'espère.
Olivier a dit…
un concert de Mina Agossi, tu en as de la chance. on va voir de superbes photos....