Theme Day: contrast.

Night and day.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

Hope you'll like the new layout of my blog. Don't hesitate to tell me what you think about it!

J'espère que le nouvel habillage du blog vous plait. N'hésitez pas à me dire ce que vous en pensez!


cara a dit…
Nice Job!
Anonyme a dit…
Wow - I love how you did that! Great Theme Day entry.
Lowell a dit…
This is excellent...When I brought it up I was thinking about something else and it took me a minute to focus and see what you had done...

Not only very creative, but very fine photography!
Paul a dit…
Cool idea for a photo... and yeah, I dig the header as well as the photos falling from the right bottom corner. The font and colour for the title (in the header is perfect) and the cellotape holding up the sidebar is a nice touch.

I guess the only crit that I have is that when I hover over the top menu items, they disappear.
Jilly a dit…
Oh clever you! What a great idea that really has worked. And yes, love the new blog. Congrats!
Calusarus a dit…
J'aime beaucoup le nouveau graphisme du blog.
Quant à la photo (aux photos), elle est très réussie.
Bonne journée
mum a dit…
bon ça y est j'y suis !
Belle présentation du nouvel habillage, mais j'ai un peu tâtonné pour trouver les comments : il fallait que je vois "rouge" tout simplement !
L'idée du thème du contraste est bien très bien rendue Bravo.
Bonne continuation, la visite journalière commençait à me manquer.
JaamZIN a dit…
wow..what a creative solution:) I love it!
Olivier a dit…
bravo, j'aime beaucoup cette nouvelle présentation, plus aérée.
Night and day, bonne idée et bien mise en place, bravo pour le montage.
Jlou a dit…
Bravo pour la nouvelle présentation très "class". La photo du jour est belle, avec une interprétation de référence du thème du jour.
Babzy.B a dit…
La nouvelle présentation me plait beaucoup , bravo !
Adam a dit…
Photo very layout has a few problems to iron out!
PeterParis a dit…
Nice idea for the contrast photo ... and yes, I think that your blog design is very very nice!
Tussy a dit…
Beautiful technique!

Anyway I think black background make it difficult to read comment, what do you think?

Happy Theme Day!

My Bangkok Through My Eyes!
You got a Posty: I want to give 15 postcards :)
Bergson a dit…
Superbe idée et excellente réalisation
Very nicely done combining the two photos together.

Your new theme has a black background and black text. Overall I like dark themes, mine is too.
Gaëlle a dit…
clueless in boston> the text isn't supposed to be black at all. I don't see it black but light grey for the french version and white for the english one.
Are there any other peole who also see black text on a black background?
Marie-Noyale a dit…
Nos blogs vont un peu vieillots et depasses a cote de ce nouveau look!!!
Fil a dit…
Tiens le 1er octobre, c'était le jour des changements de looks de blog :)
Très joli je trouve !
wow, clever image and great theme day entry. well done.
Gaëlle a dit…
clueless in boston> maybe you were talking about the comment text. I've fixed it and it's now white on black.