Outside inside.


Bob Crowe a dit…
I like this photo very much. It is mysterious. What is the track-like object? It leads the viewer's eye straight out the window.


St. Louis Missouri Daily Photo Blog
Coltrane_lives a dit…
Aside from the aesthetic beauty of the lines and curves, like "strangetastes," I too wonder what that "track" or "handrail" is. Maybe I answered my own question. It almost beckons for a large marble to be rolled down it. :-) Again, another cool photo. I love the questions it presents.
Olivier a dit…
j'aime beaucoup cette photo et sa definition. belle composition

I like much this photograph and his definition. beautiful composition
Peter a dit…
Une composition parfaite! Je ne pense pas qu'on peut mieux cadrer!
Anonyme a dit…
Très belle composition de droites et de courbes: bravo!
Tout est déjà dit dans les commentaires précédents...je n'ai rien ajouter...je retourne à la photo pour profiter du spectacle...
Kate a dit…
The lines and curves as well as the light make up a wonderful photo--super composition.